Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Producibility Study
The purpose of Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Producibility Study is to verify the adequacy of the preliminary technical data package for competitive procurement. In order to ensure legibility, accuracy, and completeness of the PCB board layout drawing, schematic diagram, list of component and Gerber file, and other specifications developed through reverse engineering, you should:
Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Producibility Study
Review for other engineering considerations such as Printed circuit board layout modification, schematic re-design requirement and product functionality improvement, value engineering;
- Determine adequacy of the technical documentation for production competition (manufacturing), sometimes the DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURE aspect of original PC Board hasn’t been implemented properly and thoroughly, so the manufacturer will have difficulties or complaint when produce the printed circuit board target, through reverse engineer technique can effective solve these kind of issues;
- Determine adequacy of PCB board layout drawing, schematic diagram, list of component, Gerber file and specifications with respect to the manufacturability of parts or assemblies;
- Verify the tolerances and ensure the interchangeability of parts at assembly (*),
- Ensure that the PCB board layout drawing, schematic diagram, list of component and Gerber file are completely dimensioned and toleranced in accordance with applicable standards, and
- Ensure that the PCB board layout drawing, schematic diagram, list of component and Gerber file meet the requirements of the specified level.