A good performance Printed circuit board, in addition to selecting high-quality components, reasonable circuitry design, the component layout of the printed circuit board and the correct structural design of the electrical wiring direction is a key issue that determines whether the Printed circuit board can work reliably. Through Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Gerber File, designer can learn all these good features from the process.
Circuits of components and parameters may have different results due to differences in Printed Circuit Board Gerber File design and electrical wiring direction, and the results may vary greatly. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the three aspects of how to correctly design the documents obtained from reverse engineering circuit board and the correct selection of the wiring direction and the process structure of the overall instrument. The reasonable process structure can eliminate the noise interference caused by improper wiring and facilitate Installation, commissioning and overhaul in production.
Since the excellent “structure” does not have a strict “definition” and “model”, the following discussion will only serve as a reference for reference. The structure of each instrument must be based on specific requirements (electrical performance, overall structural installation and panel layout requirements), adopt the corresponding structural design plan, and compare and modify several feasible design options.

Printed circuit board power supply, ground Bus wiring structure selection —- system structure: analog circuit and digital circuit have many similarities and differences in the Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Gerber File. In the analog circuit, due to the presence of the amplifier, the extremely small noise voltage generated by the wiring causes severe distortion of the output signal. In the digital circuit, the TTL noise margin is 0.4V to 0.6V, and the CMOS noise margin is 0.30 for Vcc. ~ 0.45 times, so the digital circuit has a strong anti-interference ability.
A reasonable choice of good power and ground bus mode is an important guarantee for the reliable operation of the printed circuit board. A considerable number of interference sources are generated by the power supply and the ground bus, and the noise caused by the ground line is the largest.