One method of controlling the high costs of replenishment spares is by reverse engineering PC Board. Reverse engineering PC Board is the process of duplicating a PC Board, functionally and dimensionally, by physically examining and measuring existing parts to develop the technical data (physical and material characteristics) required for competitive procurement.
The reverse engineering PC Board process may be performed on specific items which are currently purchased sole-source. This may be due to limited data rights, in inadequate Tecahnical Drawing Program, a diminished or non-existent source of supply, or as part of a Product Improvement Program (PIP). Normally, reverse engineering will not be cost effective unless the items under consideration are of a high dollar value or are procured in large quantities.
Such PC Boards may be reverse engineered if an economical savings over their acquisition life cycle is demonstrated, and if other methods of acquiring the necessary technical data for competitive re-procurement are either more costly or not available.

Reverse Engineering PC Board Rationale