Reverse Engineering PC Board Production Review
A Reverse Engineering PC Board Production Review should be performed to determine the economics of production of the reverse engineered PC Board item. The objective of the production review is to determine pertinent prototype production data which include Layout drawing, schematic diagram, gerber file and list of component, based on actual quotes from competent manufacturers range from PC board producer, component distributor or agent, mechnical component producer etc.

Reverse Engineering PC Board Production Review
Quotes from three or more sources should be obtained for prototypes, as well as one-, two-, and three-year quantity requirements based on average annual buy quantity. the estimated process should also take the life cycle of components into consideration since in most of the case, electronic components used on the PC board item are rare to find or close to be phased out, it is not easy to find original new parts from the current sources, and the quotes received from suppliers are refurbished version or recycled ones, as a result of that, the price will be varied greatly due to the quality and sources. in the meantime, PC Board manufacturer will quote according to the demanding quantity;
Where necessary, depending upon contractual agreements, a make or buy decision may be required by the government or contractor based on prototypes. Validation of the technical data package during prototyping is important.
New schedules should be developed based upon delivery times quoted for both the prototypes and production quantities. the schedules will include the lead time of components on the PC board and the lead time for producing PC board.