Reverse Engineering PC Board Inspection and Quality Control
The technical data package which include the PCB Layout drawing, Gerber file, schematic diagram and list of Component must be inspected after reverse engineering PC Board process has been completed, and then all prototype parts and assemblies should be inspected in accordance with the incoming inspection policy. The decision to accept, reject, or rework the item should be made by the cognizant engineer, and all appropriate documentation should be completed.

Reverse Engineering PC Board Inspection
Quality control plan
The quality control plan should define procedures for controlling procurement, manufacturing, assembly, inspection, testing, rejection, rework, and approval of the PC Board prototype built in accordance with the developed layout drawings, Gerber file, schematic diagram and specifications. Each item should be inspected in accordance with disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, welding, material, dimensioning and tolerancing, as applicable to ensure the compliance with the original version of PC Board.
During the PC Board assembly cycle, care should be taken to duplicate the requirements annotated on the assembly drawing and ensure that lubricants and fluids meet the applicable specification (this includes all clearance and torqueing requirements).