When Reverse Engineering Analog Digital Hybrid Circuit Board, it must be noted that the digital circuit switching will generate a transition current. Since the transition current will flow into the ground of the reset circuit, in order to prevent the current from flowing into the ground of the analog circuit, the ground of the analog circuit and the digital circuit Usually, a single-point grounding design is made at the entrance.
If such a protection design still affects the analog and digital circuits, it is necessary to insert a high-frequency ferrite core (ground beads) at the ground of the analog circuit. Increasing the impedance of the analog circuit (from the digital circuit) has a good effect.
If the signals of the high-speed digital circuit are delayed, it is necessary to synchronize the tinning at the same time, and the De-coupling capacitance effect is obtained by using the flow of the maximum transition current, but the premise is that the appropriate capacity value must be carefully selected.
Otherwise, you will not be able to get the effect. In addition, if the power supply driving the analog-digital hybrid circuit board is a single-supply design, the analog and digital power supplies must be electrically insulated. Figure 7 is a circuit design for electrical isolation of a typical analog and digital circuit power supply. through Reverse Engineering Analog Digital Hybrid Circuit Board we can have the circuit board layout drawing, list of component, gerber file and schematic diagram which can help to reproduce the circuit board.
Reduce the influence of external magnetic boundaries, when the small signal is increased, it is very susceptible to the magnetic field from the power converter. In this case, you need to try to get the slave power. The physical position of the converter is such that the input signal and the power supply do not create a large loop.