Refers to PCB Reverse Engineering technique definition, there are various sayings with incomplete and inaccurate concept, by the courtesy of our veteran engineer: PCB reverse engineering is applying the reverse R&D method on the printed circuit board, analyze its structure in the premise of electronic physical article and electronic target.

desolder parts off PCB
Restore the documents include PCB layout drawing, List of component (BOM), Gerber file and schematic diagram, also for the silkscreen drawing with designator marks (for some reason, not each one of the PCB has designators marks printed on it designed by the engineer) from original product with 1:1 ratio, and then customer can use these technical drawings and production documents to manufacture PCB, procure and assembly PCB, electrical testing until a perfect cloning unit with exactly the same functions as original PCB version.

PCB Layout drawing
Since the center controlling part of various kinds of electronic products are constituted by printed circuit board, as a result of that, using PCB reverse engineering can fulfill whole set of technical drawing and production documentations’ extraction even the product cloning upon any kind of electronic products;
When we talk about this technique, most of the people have mis-understanding about it, some people even think it as a simply copycat. However, the purpose of PCB reverse engineering is studying the most advanced and updated electronic design and then learning from those outstanding design solutions to develop better PCB board.
As a kind of reverse R&D technique, PCB reverse engineering can help designer to obtain the PCB design circuitry drawing, schematic diagram and Bill of Material (BOM) in a short period of time, through this research and analysis engineer can learn the concept within two to three months which will normally take two to three years to learn; and it will also provide a rare to see opportunity for R&D team to grow.
The clock-wise research and counter-clock wise research have made great improvement over the past decades due to the competition relationship they have which consequently directly lead to the faster generation upgrading year after year. As we can see the electronic products have been upgraded in a faster pace than before due to the existence of PCB reverse engineering technique which has effective bring down the thresholds.