PCB Reverse Engineering Electronic Analysis Objective
The PCB Reverse Engineering Electronic Analysis defines the input/output parameters of PCB, also refers to the voltage, currency and power, it is necessary to define input terminal pin number and then figure out the output voltage, if there is any display to show the content of the device engineer need to lit up the device in advance to record it, component characteristics include the capacitor and resistor’s value, tolerance and footprint, as well as other parts such as inductor, oscillators and integrated circuits, circuit paths on the gerber file, layout diagram and schematic, material include the metal parts and printed circuit board raw material, crating and bonding necessary to reproduce the candidate through PCB reverse engineering.
The documentation available on the candidate may range anywhere from complete to non-existent.

PCB Reverse Engineering Electronic Analysis Objective
Validate documentation
Design parameters will be used for subsequent PCB layout and functionality modification;
Prescribed test procedures include the electronic/electrical test for its functionality;
Configuration and dimensional tolerance data;
Producibility or a like item at reduced cost not using unrestricted or proprietary information, and QC/QA (quality assurance) information.