The netlist is an important document generated during the PCB Clone Service. It is a bridge between the electrical schematic and the PCB board. As the name suggests, the network table is the definition of the electrical connection between the components in the schematic diagram. It is the textual representation of the component-connected network extracted from the graphical schematic.

Through the transfer of the network table, the definition of the connection between the components in the schematic diagram can be automatically obtained in the Printed circuit board diagram. The network table information is composed of two parts, one part is component information, and the other part is component connection information.
Generating a netlist table through PCB clone service requires the correct and complete representation of all components and their pins and their connections. The information of the components and their pins is determined during the data extraction phase of the network table source, but the connection relationship between them is logically implied.

The connection diagram of the BMP format PCB input entered in the network table source data extraction phase cannot be directly recognized by the computer, and the output vector diagram is also the same. The main job of netlist generation is to generate an internal representation that expresses the components and their connections based on these vector information.