Finalize Technical Drawing Package from PCB Reverse Engineering
Formulate/deliver Technical Drawing Package
A finalized technical drawing package should be formulated and delivered to the agency requesting the reverse engineering PCB.
Include changes
After approval of the prototype, all data changes required as a result of the manufacturing phase should be included in the final technical drawing package which include the PCB Layout drawing, Gerber file, list of component and schematic diagram.
Additional engineering logistics considerations.
Re-evaluate PCB Layout design
The reverse engineering PCB process as described earlier in this handbook does not address additional engineering and logistics considerations. The newly acquired technical knowledge, gained by reverse engineering, allows us to re-evaluate the PCB Layout design for maintenance philosophy, reliability, cost, and other changes that may affect the logistics support requirements.

Finalize Technical Drawing Package from PCB Reverse Engineering
Follow-on considerations
End-item technical drawing package update
The new technical drawing package, including PCB Layout drawings, Gerber file, schematic diagram, parts lists, specifications, specification change notices, drawing change notices and notices of revision should be incorporated into all affected documentation using the configuration management procedures required by the individual commands.
Integrated logistics support (ILS)
A review should be made of the level of repair analysis (LORA) based upon the new technical data available. Due to lack of repair, items that are currently throw-away may now be reclassified as repairable.