As we all know, Faulty Controller Circuit Card Refurbishing by Analog Signal Analysis can be applied on the pcb board repairing, different components have different characteristics and have different VI curves; at the same time, when a component fails, its VI curve will also change, and the nodes on the circuit board are composed of several components. Individual component combinations also form a composite VI curve.

As long as the circuit board or component structure is the same which are under good conditions, their VI curves should be the same. Otherwise, the curves will be different. In this way, as long as you have a good circuit board or component, or take the lead in extracting and saving the VI curves of all nodes or components on a non-faulty circuit board, you will intuitively analyze the errors of the two curves displayed alternately which can quickly determine the failure point of medical equipment circuit board.
The application of analog signal application advantages will be categoried as below aspects:
(1) Easy to get started. By comparing the VI curve of the circuit node of the faulty circuit board with the VI curve of the corresponding node on the well functioning one, or comparing it with the empirical curve to find the fault, it can be detected without involving circuit functions and without online testing which are easy to master.
(2) Strong applicability. The ASA only involves the ports of components but not involve functions, so it can also be applied to the testing of digital and analog devices, as well as general and special devices, discrete components, and medium and large-scale integrated circuits especially the maintenance of integrated circuit board;
The ASA test is a serial operation, that is, after checking one node and then checking the next node, it is not limited by the package which have information stated in the component list library of pcb circuit card. For any discrete components and integrated circuits tested using the block method, you can use the probe (Node) Check its characteristic curve.