Documents Quality Control In Reverse Engineering Circuit Board
First of all is Documents Quality Control In Reverse Engineering Circuit Board review:
A quality control review should be conducted for adequacy of all pcb layout drawings, list of component, gerber file and schematic diagram, test data include the resistance, capacitance, inductance, dimension of mechanical part, and quality assurance provisions. A check-list should be prepared for each drawing to ensure that all elements pertaining to the item have been fully delineated.
Second is about Inspection of drawings

Documents Quality Control In Reverse Engineering Circuit Board
Circuit board layout drawing, gerber file, schematic diagram should be inspected for defects. MIL-STD-1916 may be used as a guide for inspecting the drawings. Drawing defects are defined as follows:
Major defect: An error in the drawing that, if not corrected, could cause a hardware defect that would affect form, fit, function, production contract cost, or scheduled delivery. Illegibility and non-re-producibility are classified as major defects.
Third is Limited physical configuration audit
A limited physical configuration audit should be performed to ensure that the documentation developed through reverse engineering circuit board conforms to the actual item.
Forth is Rejection criteria
The rejection criteria should be determined and all discrepancies should be resolved and corrected prior to final approval of the drawings and specifications which include but limited to Circuit board layout drawing, gerber file, schematic diagram.