The maximum junction temperature that any heat source component can withstand is limited. as a result of that, it has become extremely important for Component Thermal Operation reliability Analysis.
This maximum junction temperature can be found in the datasheet given by the manufacturer. If the junction temperature of the actual operation of the heat source component is higher than the highest junction temperature that can be withstood, then the operation of the heat source device will enter an unreliable state.

In this case, it is necessary to consider such devices away from other heat-generating devices in the layout from PCB Board reverse engineering. The copper area is surrounded by a large area, and the inner layer and the bottom layer directly below the position are also laid over a large copper area. Copper, in order to solve the problem of excessive junction temperature of such devices, so the calculation of the junction temperature of the actual operation of the heat source device is also very important in the PCB board thermal design.
In addition, it is necessary to calculate the temperature rise of the heat source device relative to the environment. Knowing the temperature rise of the heat source device is also closely relative to the environment, it is known which heat source device has the highest temperature, so that the PCB board thermal design process will become easier and more smoothly.
The PCB board layout can begin only after component Thermal Operation reliability Analysis, the thermal distance layout area calculation of the heat source device, and the ambient temperature analysis of the heat source device are all completed. The layout of the PCB needs to follow the most basic thermal design principles, such as: hot spot dispersion; Place the device with the highest power consumption and heat generation in the best position for heat dissipation; do not place the device with higher heat on the corners and peripheral edges of the printed circuit board; the high heat dissipation device should be able to reduce the connection between them when connecting to the substrate. The thermal resistance, etc., in addition, according to the compression heat interval calculated above, the heat source device is disposed, the device is disposed as little as possible within the compression heat interval of the heat source device, and the heat generating device is not disposed, and the back surface of the heat source device should be as small as possible. , can’t lay out heating devices