Clone Printed Circuit Board Gerber CAD File and Use the same steps to reroute the PCB circuit board remaining signals. The number of wiring depends on the complexity of the circuit board layout design and the number of general rules you define.
After each type of signal is completed, the constraints of the remaining network wiring will be reduced, but what comes with it is that a lot of signal wiring requires manual intervention.

Clone Printed Circuit Board Gerber CAD File and Use the same steps to reroute the PCB circuit board remaining signals. The number of wiring depends on the complexity of the circuit board layout design and the number of general rules you define.
Today’s automatic printed wiring board reverse engineering tools are very powerful and can usually complete 100% of the printed circuit board re-wiring. However, when the automatic wiring tool has not completed all signal wiring, it is necessary to manually route the remaining signals.
If the EDA tool software you are using can list the signal wiring length, check these data, you may find that some signal wiring lengths with few constraints are very long. This problem is relatively easy to deal with, and the signal wiring length and the number of VIAs can be reduced by manual editing.
In the finishing process, you need to determine which wiring is reasonable and which wiring is unreasonable. Like manual wiring PCB reverse engineering design, automatic wiring design can also be sorted and edited during inspection