PCB Reverse Engineering Services

PCB Reverse Engineering technology is used to reversely analyze the printed circuit board, and to acquire the Layout Drawing, Gerber File, Bill of materials (BOM), Schematic diagram and designators drawing  are restored in the aspect ratio of 1:1, and then these technical documents and production files are used for PCB board remanufacturing, component soldering, flying probe testing, circuit board debugging, and complete replication of the original circuit board.

Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Design Process

Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Design Process will introduce how to reverse engineering pcb board hardware through delayering the copper circuitry to make diagram and restore schematic from circuit board netlist and layout file; When hardware project personnel need to conduct PCB layout drawing redesign, they must submit a PCB board investment application in the…

Photoelectric Signal Receiver PCB Board Reverse Engineering

Photoelectric Signal Receiver PCB Board Reverse Engineering uses ANSYS simulation analysis software to perform random vibration simulation analysis on the Photoelectric Signal Receiver PCB Board during the conceptual design stage of the Photoelectric Signal Receiver electronic device. The focus is on the impact of random vibration on the reliability and optical coupling efficiency of Photoelectric…

Antenna RF Multi-layer PCB Board Layout Reverse Engineering

Antenna RF Multi-layer PCB Board Layout Reverse Engineering refers to redraw printed circuit board’s wiring layout redrawing, component list making and schematic diagram restoration; The Radio Frequency signal line impedance of the two antenna interfaces needs to be controlled to 50Ω. In practical applications, other parameters of the PCB, such as reference layer thickness, number…

Reverse Design Radio Frequency Module PC Board Wiring Schematic

With the rise of the Internet of Things technology, it is becoming more and more common for electronic products to carry wireless communication functions. The wireless communication technology relies on the Radio Frequency Module PC Board to achieve and requires professional design and simulation analysis tools. As a result of that, Reverse Design Radio Frequency…

Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Anti-ESD Schematic Diagram

Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Anti-ESD Schematic Diagram can help us to improve the performance of PCB board’s anti-esd capability, through component relocation or replacement to achive the purpose; Static electricity from the human body, the environment, and even inside electronic equipment can cause various damages to precision semiconductor chips, such as penetrating the thin…