PCB Reverse Engineering Services
PCB Reverse Engineering technology is used to reversely analyze the printed circuit board, and to acquire the Layout Drawing, Gerber File, Bill of materials (BOM), Schematic diagram and designators drawing are restored in the aspect ratio of 1:1, and then these technical documents and production files are used for PCB board remanufacturing, component soldering, flying probe testing, circuit board debugging, and complete replication of the original circuit board.
Reverse Engineering High Speed Circuit Board Schematic Diagram to avoid circuitry pattern layout at 90° corners, High-frequency and high-speed signal transmission lines should avoid routing at 90° corners, which is strongly required in various PCB Design Guides and rule checking. Because when clone high-frequency and high-speed signal transmission PCB board lines need to maintain the same…
Reverse Engineering A PCB Board to Avoid Sharp Angle is a subject to discuss when we are thinking about How to avoid sharp angles when relayout the circuitry diagram of PCB board, causing acid trap DFM problems? Modern EDA PCB design copying software (such as Cadence Allegro, Altium Designer, etc.) comes with complete layout routing…
Whether the PCB can be traced at an acute angle, the answer is no, as a result of that, the requirement for Reverse Engineer PCB Board With Acute Angle is existed. Regardless of whether the trace at an acute angle will have a negative impact on the high-speed signal transmission line, from the aspect of…
In the consideration of Reverse Engineering PCB Board EMC Design, the first thing involved is the setting of layers; the number of layers of the printed circuit board is composed of the number of power, ground and signal layers; In the EMC design reverse engineering of printed wiring board, in addition to the selection of…
To figure out how to increase the over-current capability of the PCB circuit board, Reverse Engineering PCB Board Layout Circuitry scheme will do. Take a double-layer PCB board reverse engineering as an example. This kind of circuit board usually has a three-layer structure: copper foil, substrate plate, and copper foil. The copper foil is the…
In the process of DDR Memory Circuit Board Layout Design, the signals DQ, DM, and DQS are all point-to-point interconnections, so no topology is required for printed circuit board cloning. However, the exception is that this is not the case in the reverse engineering of multi-rank DIMMs (Dual In Line Memory Modules) design. In the…
Motherboard is the piece of electronic printed circuit board which can be viewed as the “backbone” of the electronic device/controller unit, or more appropriately as the “basement” that holds all the pieces together, Reverse Engineering Motherboard Layout Design will help us recreate the schematic diagram of this electronic pcb board, for the purpose of troubleshoot…
Decoupling Capacitor Role in PCB Board Gerber Redesign, from the circuitry design point of view, it can always be divided into the source of the drive and the load being driven. If the load capacitance is relatively large, the drive circuit must charge and discharge the capacitance to complete the signal jump. When the rising…
Under normal circumstances, Multilayer Printed Circuit Board Schematic Reverse Design is carried out according to circuit functions. When re-wiring on the PCB board’s outer layer, more circuitry wiring pattern is required on the soldering surface and less wiring on the component surface, which is more convenience to the maintenance and troubleshooting of the printed circuit…
Reverse Engineering PCB Board Gerber File needs to make some Preliminary preparation Including the preparation of component libraries and schematic diagrams through PCB board recovery. Before proceeding with PCB circuit board reverse design, we must first prepare the schematic SCH component library and PCB component packaging library. The PCB component package library is best established…