PCB Reverse Engineering Services
PCB Reverse Engineering technology is used to reversely analyze the printed circuit board, and to acquire the Layout Drawing, Gerber File, Bill of materials (BOM), Schematic diagram and designators drawing are restored in the aspect ratio of 1:1, and then these technical documents and production files are used for PCB board remanufacturing, component soldering, flying probe testing, circuit board debugging, and complete replication of the original circuit board.
Protect Analog Circuit in Data Logger Module PCB Reverse Engineering The best ways to protect sensitive analog circuits from being affected by fast logic are to physically separate the two by the Data Logger Module PCB Reverse Engineering, and to use no faster logic family than is dictated by system requirements. In some cases, this…
Trace Termination on DIN3 Meter Circuit Board Copying Much has been written about Trace Termination on DIN3 Meter Circuit Board Copying in their characteristic impedance, to avoid signal reflections. A good guideline to determine when this is necessary is as follows: Terminate the transmission line in its characteristic impedance when the one-way propagation delay of…
Reverse Engineering Accel Controller PCB Card Reverse Engineering Accel Controller PCB Card traces of defined impedance, either on a surface layer or embedded between layers. There of course are many other considerations beyond these impedance issues. Embedded signals do have one major and obvious disadvantage—the debugging of the hidden circuit traces is difficult to impossible.…
Symmetric Stripline Transmission Lines on Sprint Boost PCB Board Cloning A method of Sprint Boost PCB Board Cloning preferred from many viewpoints is a multilayer PCB. This arrangement embeds the signal trace between a power and a ground plane, as shown in the cross-sectional view of below Figure. The low impedance ac-ground planes and the…
Microstrip Guideline by Vehicle Dynamic Module PCB Copying This example touches an interesting and quite handy point. Reference 17 discusses a useful guideline pertaining to microstrip impedance on Vehicle Dynamic Module PCB Copying. For a case of dielectric constant of 4.0 (FR-4), it turns out that when W/H is 2/1, the resulting impedance will be…
Microstrip Transmission Lines on Digital Racing Dash Display PCB Cloning For a simple two-sided Digital Racing Dash Display PCB Cloning where one side is a ground plane, a signal trace on the other side can be designed for controlled impedance. This geometry is known as a surface microstrip, or more simply, microstrip. A cross-sectional view…
Reverse Engineering PCB Board with Controlled Impedances Trace A variety of trace geometries are possible with controlled impedance designs from Reverse Engineering PCB Board, and they may be either integral to or allied to the PCB pattern. In the discussions below, the basic patterns follow those of the IPC, as described in standard 2141. Note…
Reverse Engineering PCB Thoughtfully Once the system’s critical paths and circuits have been identified, the next step in Reverse Engineering PCB is to partition the printed circuit board according to circuit function. This involves the appropriate use of power, ground, and signal planes. Good PCB layouts also isolate critical analog paths from sources of high…
Transmission Line in Power Module Circuit Card Cloning The benefits of outward and return signal paths being close together so that inductance is minimized. As shown previously in Figure 7-30, when an HF signal flows in a PC track running over a ground plane, the arrangement functions as a microstrip transmission line in Power Module Circuit…
Skin Effect on ECM PCB Copying At high frequencies, also consider Skin Effect on ECM PCB Copying, where inductive effects cause currents to flow only in the outer surface of conductors. Note that this is in contrast to the earlier discussions of this section on dc resistance of conductors. The skin effect has the consequence…