PCB Reverse Engineering Services

PCB Reverse Engineering technology is used to reversely analyze the printed circuit board, and to acquire the Layout Drawing, Gerber File, Bill of materials (BOM), Schematic diagram and designators drawing  are restored in the aspect ratio of 1:1, and then these technical documents and production files are used for PCB board remanufacturing, component soldering, flying probe testing, circuit board debugging, and complete replication of the original circuit board.

Value Engineering of PCB Cloning

Value Engineering of PCB Cloning Value Engineering objective A value engineering (VE) review of PCB Cloning candidates may reveal cost drivers over and beyond the sole source restrictions. Some probable high cost drivers are: excessive material requirements such as the capacitor, resistor, inductor and integrated circuits, PCB layout drawing defects, over design, functional redundancy, tolerance…

Printed Circuit Board Reverse Engineering Recommendation

Printed Circuit Board Reverse Engineering Recommendation Product improvement is one of the main purpose for Printed Circuit Board Reverse Engineering 1st aspect is Inadequate data The items, as documented during the printed circuit board reverse engineering process, may not have been previously considered for printed circuit board improvement because of inadequate data, these datas might include Layout…

Finalize Technical Drawing Package from PCB Reverse Engineering

Finalize Technical Drawing Package from PCB Reverse Engineering Formulate/deliver Technical Drawing Package A finalized technical drawing package should be formulated and delivered to the agency requesting the reverse engineering PCB. Include changes After approval of the prototype, all data changes required as a result of the manufacturing phase should be included in the final technical…

Reverse Engineering PC Board Inspection and Quality Control

Reverse Engineering PC Board Inspection and Quality Control Inspection The technical data package which include the PCB Layout drawing, Gerber file, schematic diagram and list of Component must be inspected after reverse engineering PC Board process has been completed, and then all prototype parts and assemblies should be inspected in accordance with the incoming inspection…

Reverse Engineering Circuit Board Prototype Production

Reverse Engineering Circuit Board Prototype Production Prototype production objective Prototype production involves the manufacture and testing of the prototype to determine if all the layout drawing, schematic diagram, gerber file and list of component extrated Reverse Engineering Circuit Board will be fully compliance with the original version, the most commonly found mistakes on the circuit…

Documents Quality Control In Reverse Engineering Circuit Board

Documents Quality Control In Reverse Engineering Circuit Board First of all is Documents Quality Control In Reverse Engineering Circuit Board review: A quality control review should be conducted for adequacy of all pcb layout drawings, list of component, gerber file and schematic diagram, test data include the resistance, capacitance, inductance, dimension of mechanical part, and…

Reverse Engineering PCB Board Quality Control

Reverse Engineering PCB Board Quality Control First of all we should talk about the Reverse Engineering PCB Board Quality Control study, A quality control study should be performed and documented on the Level 3 drawings and prototype of candidates to certify their compliance with original candidate specifications. since different PCB board with various application will be treated…