PCB Reverse Engineering Services

PCB Reverse Engineering technology is used to reversely analyze the printed circuit board, and to acquire the Layout Drawing, Gerber File, Bill of materials (BOM), Schematic diagram and designators drawing  are restored in the aspect ratio of 1:1, and then these technical documents and production files are used for PCB board remanufacturing, component soldering, flying probe testing, circuit board debugging, and complete replication of the original circuit board.

Por que a coleta de dados é importante para o PCB de engenharia reversa

Como uma das etapas preliminares mais importantes para a PCB de Engenharia Reversa, o objetivo da Coleta de Dados é proteger toda a documentação irrestrita disponível, impedir a duplicação desnecessária e facilitar o desenvolvimento de documentação técnica, incluindo desenho de layout de PCB, arquivo gerber de placa de circuito, BOM e diagrama esquemático através do…

Diagrama esquemático da placa de circuito de extração

Diagrama esquemático extrato placa de circuito deve primeiro esculpir diferentes zonas de acordo com funções: Durante o processo de extrair diagrama esquemático da placa de circuito existente, dividir diferentes zonas de acordo com a função do módulo pode ajudar muito os engenheiros para evitar alguns problemas desnecessários, melhorar a eficiência de desenho. De um modo…

Component Pin Connection Functional Analysis in PCB Board Reverse Engineering

When reverse engineering PCB board, component placement and connection must be taken into consideration, before connecting component leads, first extract the solder joints and wiring information from the database, and then automatically place solder joints and wires on the PCB scanning image through bare PCB board. If there are no relevant solder joints and wiring…

Component Connection Processing in PCB Board Reverse Engineering

The problem to be solved by component connection processing including the creation of a component graphics library, the design of component types, and the connection processing of component pins. Component connecting processing refers to the connection between the component’s pins and solder joints. Component connection processing and generation of schematic diagrams from PCB Layout drawing…