Multilayer Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing

Multilayer Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing main production difficulties compared with the characteristics of conventional circuit boards, high-level electronic multilayer circuit boards have the characteristics of thicker boards, more layers, denser lines and vias, larger unit size, and thinner dielectric layers. Impedance design control and reliability requirements are more stringent. 1.1 Difficulties in inter-layer alignment Due…

Electronic Multilayer PCB Board Application

Electronic Multilayer PCB Boards are generally defined as high-level multi-layer circuit boards with 10 layers to 20 layers or more, which are more difficult to process than traditional multi-layer circuit boards, and have high quality and reliability requirements.  They are mainly used in communication equipment, high-end servers, and medical electronics, aviation, industrial control, military and…

LVDS System Circuit Board Gerber File Copying

LVDS is a high-speed, low-voltage, low-power, and low-noise general-purpose I/O interface standard. The low voltage swing and differential current mode output significantly reduces electromagnetic interference (EMI). These outputs have faster edge rates, allowing the signal path to function as a transmission line. Therefore, LVDS System Circuit Board Gerber File Copying and differential signaling theory are…